
Dec 29, 2012

Deal Cleaning Schedule

I'm sitting here watching my bundle of joy sleep, drinking my cup of coffee, and waiting on the girls to wake up. I decided to start working on my schedules. My home cleaning schedule and my Project Organization schedule. :) My cleaning schedule has been in place for a while, yet not implemented very well. It's time to get on the ball! 

Monday:  Dust 
Monday project:  Kitchen - after a weekend of all of us being home, the kitchen normally needs some extra attention on Mondays. This includes, wiping down appliances, cabinets and knobs, and cleaning the microwave.

Tuesday:  Vacuum 
Tuesday project: Bathrooms

Wednesday:  Mop the hard floors
Wednesday project:  Master bedroom - tidy up any clutter that may be sitting around, etc.

Thursday:  Wash sheets & Towels
Thursday project:  Kid's rooms - tidy up any clutter/clothes that may be sitting around, etc.

Friday:  Vacuum (yes, with 3 kids and 2 inside dogs, this needs to be done twice a week)
Friday project:  Living areas

Saturdays are for family time <3

Every day:
Swiffer kitchen floor
wipe kitchen counters
clutter pick up

Dec 27, 2012

Ty's birth story

It was a long day! Saturday December 9th started at 7:30 with a Walmart run.  I needed to cook for my husband’s work Christmas party that evening.  Our niece’s birthday party was also that day. So I had a busy day from the get go. J I believe that is why Ty decided he wanted to come early.

We got home from the Christmas party around midnight. Mind you, I am normally in bed by 10. Ha! At 3:00 am I got up for my normal potty run, and low and behold….I was one of the 15% of pregnant mamas whose water actually breaks and “gushes”.  At 3:08 I woke up hubby.  So much for a long restful night!

Looking tired. ;) Before leaving for the hospital. 38 weeks.

Tony took a shower and I put on my makeup.  Little did I know, this was the most makeup I would wear for days! Oh how I wanted to take a shower. I still smelled like the campfire we sat around that night and knew it would be several days before I would be able to take one. Oh well.  I grabbed our last minute things. I was so thankful for already having my bags packed!

We arrived at the hospital around 4 am. We took our normal route to L&D through the front door, up the stairs, through outpatient surgery…and the doors were locked.  Don’t they do outpatient surgery at 4am? So down the stairs, out the front door, up the outside stairs, through the emergency room waiting room and on the L&D. Now, there may have been a shorter way. But we didn’t know it. Plus the walking was great for dealing with the contractions. J

Once in L&D, I weighed…146.2 and the nurses commented on how calm we were. Nothing to be too worked up about except the fire hydrant leaking down my legs. We were excited, but peaceful.

They quickly put me in room number 4 (the same room one of Tony’s daughters was born in) They did the usual, hooked me up to the fetal monitor and contraction monitor. Upon arrival I was 1-2 cm dilated and 70% effaced. After checking my vitals, they put me in a blow up gown that was to warm my body up for an easier recovery. It was hot, I was sweating, I was in pain. But I was so excited!!! The nurses called my doctor and set the time for my c-section to be 8:00 but it was pushed to 9:00. Which ended up working because another OB had an emergency c-section to do at 8. Contractions started at 3 when my water broke, but were consistently getting stronger and more regular by this point. We called our parents around 6:45 and they were all there by 8.

They took me back to operation prep between 9:15-9:20. First thing was the spinal tap. This felt like a bee sting that didn’t stop. I jumped at the first “stick”. But the nurse holding my head down make it so much easier.

I started feeling my feet getting numb right away and they turned me around on the table. I could tell my right foot was turned in, pigeon toed style and it was absolutely driving me crazy that I couldn’t move it to straighten it! Ha!

They called my sweet husband into the operating room.  It was 9:42am.  I could feel everything that was being done to my, but it felt like it was being done to someone else and without pain.  The anesthesiologist was fabulous about explaining everything. She said when they pushed Ty out it would feel  like an elephant on my chest. It did. She said “do you know what it is?” When I said boy, she said “well, that’s what I saw first.” (since he came out hiney first due to being frank breech.)  J Tony was crying and pumped his fist. Happy daddy. You see, we had tried to check twice to “make sure” he was a boy and both times he would not cooperate.

He made his grand appearance at 9:46am, 4 minutes after beginning surgery.  His first cry was the best sound in the world, which I know all you mom’s reading this are saying yes, I knew that.

The next little bit was a little frustrating. They took Ty to the “table” and started their normal cleaning and apgar testing. But I couldn’t see him. I could hear them talking.  They were all talking about how beautiful he was and how rosy.  Tony was able to walk over there and take pictures and video. But I wanted to see my sweet boy! They were saying how beautiful he was. Well good day! I wanted to see!

His pediatrician, Dr. Noonan, brought him to me all wrapped up.  Only a mother can know how I felt at this moment, the first time our eyes met. The first time he heard my voice in the real world.  The saying goes, “I do believe in love at first sight, because I’m a mom” is so true. <3

They allowed me to talk to him for a minute before Tony took him to the nursery. When he arrived in the nursery “O Holy Night” was playing on the radio….His first song. <3 Thank you Nurse Helen, for letting me know this.

It took about 45 minutes to put me back together ;), (by the way, I was in labor for 6 hours and this 45 minutes seemed 10 times longer!) When they were done with me and opened the door to wheel me to the recovery room, I heard my husband’s voice saying “now I want my other baby” oh how I love him.  He was so nervous. Thank you, God for such a loving man.

The nurses brought Ty to me as soon as I went into recovery, before they gave him a bath, etc. so I may be able to nurse. He nursed like a champ.

My son’s birth, praise the Lord, was textbook and easy. Recovery was a little rough the first few days, but I healed quickly and painlessly. J December 9th, 2012 definitely was the best day of my life. My puzzle is ecomplete. <3 I love my family more than life itself and thank God that he would show favor on my and give me this precious miracle.

With my parents in my "blow up" warming gown

Dr. Deal <3

Getting ready to be parents!

The first time I saw my angel

Dec 26, 2012

Welcome to the world, Ty!

Ty decided he did not want to wait until my scheduled c-section on December 17th to make his grand arrival. He, like his mama, wanted to be early. 

Tyler Jay Deal made his grand appearance on Sunday December 9th, 2012 at 9:46 am.

Weighing 7 lb 3 oz and 20 inches long

We are so in love with this little boy.

Birth story coming soon. :)

Dec 7, 2012

Friday Favorites

I decided to go ahead and do my December Friday Favorites post today, the first Friday because, well, it's December. I will be spending the rest of the month snuggling, diaper changing, feeding, adjusting, snuggling, preparing for Christmas, snuggling, and loving on my girls. <3 So why not go ahead a post. :)

1.  My Label Maker

Anyone who knows me knows I love everything labeled. :) Probably a little too much I would say. But it makes me happy when everything has a home and we all know where it's home is.

Here is my label maker.  There are tons on the market, but I just got a cheap one from Walgreens. It is a Dymo Personal Label Maker (not sold online) It does the job. The "sticky" is not all that great on the labels themselves, but it works for me for now. Maybe in the future, I will get me one of those snazzy ones.

2.  My tumblers

I love a tumbler! I use these even more now that I am home and I can refill them easier with filtered water than when I was at work.  This particular one I received as a Christmas gift last year from a coworker.  These are great! It is the only way I can make sure I drink the proper amount of water each day without drinking out of those wasteful water bottles! These are double-walled and can be used for hot or cold drinks. Love!

3.  Sigma F40 

I love the Sigma F40 Long Angled Contour Brush.  It is perfect for contouring, which I do every day. :)  It places the color and blends exactly where I want it and with the proper amount of pressure. The weight of the handle is unbelievable and makes application so easy. It practically does it for you....well maybe. lol.  I have tried several contour brushes and hands down this one is the. best. I loved it so much, I purchased several other Sigma brushes and love them too, but that will be in another post. ;)  Click here for more info.  And for those that may be interested, I use NARS Laguna for my contour powder. :)

4.  Flip Fold

Flip Fold? What is that? It is only the best invention ever!  It is the FlipFOLD® Laundry Folder. My husband loves his undershirts folded just right in his drawer to make getting ready in the mornings fast and easy. 

Well I have always folded my shirts using sturdy gift bags or large thick magazines or books as my "template" for getting the shirt the correct size.  Well I broke down and bought one of these bad boys and it changed my life.  OK. I may be exaggerating on that last part but it makes folding his and my t-shirts easier and I can do it in half the time! The day I received it in the mail, I may or may not have refolded every shirt in the house. ;)
They can be purchased online or in store here.  The closest Container store to me is about 2 hours away. My husband is very grateful for this. ;)

5.  Shaklee

I began using Shaklee cleaning products when I found out I was pregnant.  I was looking for cleaning products that were chemical free and actually got the job done. With 2, soon to be 3 children, a husband, and 2 inside dogs, I needed something that works!

Insert interesting fact:  

I read that a study was done at the University of Oregon where women who work at home have a 54% higher death rate from cancer than those who work away from home. This study from the University concluded that this was a direct result of the increased exposure to toxic chemicals, many of which were found in common household products. I work at home as a homemaker; I fit that job description. Did I really want these chemicals around my children? NO!

So I decided to try Shaklee and I fell in love. I use their Basic H and Basic G. My next purchase will be the dish soap and laundry soap. 

Basic H:  Organic Super Cleaning Concentrate
This is the all purpose cleaner. You receive a 16 oz bottle which makes up to 48 gallons of cleaner! You may also purchase the set of 3 spray bottles as well, which is what I did.

To make the cleaners:

For all-purpose cleaning:
Add 1/4 tsp. to 16 oz. of water.

For windows and mirrors:
Add 1-2 drops to 16 oz. of water.

For degreasing:
Add 1 1/2 tsp. to 16 oz. of water. For bigger jobs, add 2 oz. to 1 gallon of water.

For 1 bottle of Basic H retail price is $12.15. As a member you pay $10.35. (if you are interested in learning more about membership, I can send you information :)

You may think? $10 for a bottle of cleaner?! Please know, I have only bought 1 bottle of this concentrate!

One bottle of Basic H equals the cleaning uses of 5,824 bottles of 26 oz. Windex. :)

Here is a cost breakdown. Click for larger picture. :)

See why I love Shaklee so much? It is all I use to clean my house. You can go to to see all of their products. They also have a health and beauty division as well, which I have yet to try. Please let me know if you have any questions about Shaklee! I will be glad to answer any that I can. <3


Dec 5, 2012

Christmas Potpourri

It's December 5. It's raining, it's yucky. It's 60 degrees but we'll forget about that for the moment. Looking out my kitchen looks cold. So we'll pretend. ;)  The Christmas tree is glittering and presents are wrapped.  That means it's time for the official scent of Christmas!  Some Christmas Potpourri! I just love the smell of warm citrus and spice. <3 It makes my laundry seem that much merrier. 

This pic is "before water" just just looks prettier. :)

Quarter or slice 2 oranges (great use for over ripe oranges!)
1 teaspoon nutmeg
1 teaspoon ground cloves
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 stick of cinnamon (you can omit this and use 2 teaspoons of ground cinnamon, I just think it's pretty. :)
2 cups of water

Simmer all in small saucepan on stove for 4-6 hours. Check it regularly to see if you need to add more water. Or put in small crock pot. I put mine on the stove first because I want to smell it 10 minutes ago. ;) Then I transfer it to my little dipper crock pot. 

Enjoy the smell of warmth and love. Aaaahh!

Dec 3, 2012

Baby update 37w1d

Had a doctor's appointment today and was able to get a sonogram to measure little Ty and check fluids, etc. :) I am officially up 16 pounds on the scale, thinking I'll be up 18 when I deliver.

Well, just as expected he is STILL a big boy. :) He is measuring in at 8 lb. 6 oz. If he gains on average .5 lb a week, he will weigh 9.5 lb at birth and 10 lb at 40 weeks. Good day! Of course, these measurements could be off up to a pound each way, but my ultrasound tech is normally pretty accurate with her babies. <3 He has long legs like his daddy. His daddy weighed 8 lb 9 oz at birth at 37 weeks, so he seems to be measuring about the same. <3 Proud daddy. He is measuring about 39w6d. 

My fluids are fabulous! They are at a 13 (they normally want them at a 9-10) The number is a little high, but high numbers can be caused by gestational diabetes. I have been diagnosed with GD but have not had high sugar numbers since. So I think it's just normal for me.  My fluids are measuring over 40w.

Ty is also frank breech. This explains so much! I have had kicks, pokes, pushes, whatever you want to call it right at the top of my belly. At times this can be so painful! Now I know it is his head and he is bouncing. lol! Also, it explains why I have not had the epic pelvic pressure that most women have at this point. Doctor said at this point in my pregnancy and Ty's size, chances are he will not turn on his own. But we never know. ;) Just praying for healthy legs and hips. <3 After a frank breech baby is born it is common for their legs to stay up at their head for a while. So we will be doing some leg exercises with him. :)

My blood pressure was still borderline, but lower! The numbers now are not a reason for concern. Yee Ha! So I have the okay to head out tomorrow and spend a nice day with my sweet hubby.

C-section is still scheduled for the 17th! My next appointment is next Monday and if everything still looks good, we will continue with the 17th. If anything concerns the doc, we will have him on the 12th.  It is getting so close! I can not wait!


My everyday makeup

I thought I would share with you what my quick everyday eye makeup look consists of. :)  I wear this look often and it is so simple and easy. :) 

 Here are a few pics, however I need to figure out how to take these better. I am not a makeup artist or a photographer! ha. :)

My everyday eye makeup consists of:
  • Urban Decay Primer Potion
  • Jardin Aires pigment by MAC over inner 2/3 of lid (not available anymore as it was limited edition, but can be purchased on ebay. Naked Lunch by MAC should be a good dupe, any peachy shimmery color)
  • Satin Taupe by MAC in outer 3rd of lid, in the crease and bring it up a bit
  • Buck from the original Urban Decay Naked palette directly in the outer 3rd of crease (I am asian, in case you didn't know ;) and I have a monolid. So this step helps define a crease that is non existent. If you have a crease, you can skip this step)
  • Naked from the original Urban Decay Naked palette used to blend crease (I love this color for blending and softening)
  • Sweet Cream by Mary Kay for highlight under brow and inner tear duct 
  • Upper lash line and lower water line liner I use is Milani Liquif'eye in black (I love how smooth this goes on the lower water line)
  • I go over the liner with a black shadow to keep it in place. Milani will smudge very easily.  I use which ever matte black that is closest!
  • Mascara I use is L'oreal Carbon Black
  • Eyebrows: Hazel eyebrow pencil by Milani and Buck eyeshadow by Urban Decay
These are the colors I use. There are dupes all over the internet. :)

Until next time!


Dec 2, 2012

Ty's showers!

Warning!! Picture overload!! Here is a collaboration of pictures from all of Ty's showers now that my baby showers are complete. :)

Shower given by my mother-in-law, Brenda and sister-in-law, Kim at Brenda's house. :)

My SIL, Kim and MIL, Brenda

My mommy <3 Robin

MIL and her mother

Ty's grandmas!

My girls and my niece :) Aly, Blake, Macy
My work shower. :)

Reading my card from my Literacy Team. This was the reading team I was a part of at my school. I'm going to miss these girls like crazy. <3

Friend shower hosted by my girlfriends Elisha and Emily at my house. :)

Diaper wreath made by Emily

Diaper cake made by Elisha

The preggos. :) Christy, Me, Elisha, Leanne

Diaper shower hosted by my mom at her house (with her friends Marsha and Connie :)

With my cousin, Tara

Mom, Nannie, and Tara

With another Tara. :) Look at her sweet baby bump, she is due in June. <3

Woah, that belly :)

My brother is a RL fanatic. :) I think he will make sure his nephew has swag <3

Beth and Nicole

Marsha and Connie
I had 4 amazing showers with many amazing ladies. Ty and I are so blessed to have these special people in our lives. I am overwhelmed by the love and support we have received. He is one loved little boy. <3