How Far Along: 37 weeks. Full Term!! 2 weeks until Ty's arrival, if not sooner! <3
Size of baby: He is the size of a stalk of swiss chard. Average: about 19 inches long and average about 6 1/3 pounds.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Up 15 lb as of 36w :) Thinking up 16 now. :) Averaging a pound a week lately.
Maternity Clothes: Finally all maternity. Belly bump has grown out of most all of my regular shirts. There are maybe 2-3 regular shirts I can wear.
Gender: Bouncing Baby Boy!! Mama's prince, Ty.
Stretch marks: No new ones. :)
Movement: Very, very active! He moves all day long and may sleeps 15 minutes at a time. I exaggerate. :) But he his moving around right much. Not strong kicks, just trying to stretch around. It is getting tight in there. I mainly feel his stretching on the top of my bump and his hiccups in the lower left. At times, my belly takes on a whole new form as well. Funny sight!
Sleep: Oh how uncomfortable. My hips hurt when I lay on one side too long.
What I miss: Nothing. :)
Cravings: Still wanting milk all. the. time. and spicy
Symptoms: Standard 3rd trimester symptoms: exhaustion, leg cramps, back aches, and pressure
Best Moments this week: Lots! Had my last shower today. A diaper shower at my mom's. <3 Speaking of this shower. I truly had pregnancy brain this week. Yesterday (Saturday) I woke up thinking my shower was at 2:00. So I proceeded to get myself and two step daughters all primped, hair curled, and prissied up to go to the shower. I drive about 30 minutes to my mom's house. When I get there, my dad says, "You're early". I said that yes, I had told mom that I would be early. :) He said, "No, you're really early, the shower is tomorrow". WOW. Pregnancy brain at it's finest. So back home we went. Got up this morning and got ready for my "real" shower. :)
My next appointment is tomorrow (Monday) I get a sonogram to try to get an updated measurement. I know they aren't that accurate at this point, but I still get to see my sweet boy.
I am getting so anxious and excited. <3
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Bump is getting out of control!! <3 Glad he's a growing boy. :) |
Until next time, darlings!
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