Hello, my name is Sandy, and I am addicted to research and learning.
Yes, it's true. My family may laugh at me because I Google everything, but that's how I learn. I thrive on it! Although, I saw a very interesting commercial about Bing.com and how it is better than Google. I'll have to check that out!
Anywho, I wanted to share with you what I think has been the most helpful and encouraging to me and my little mommyhood. :)
This book has honestly been the biggest help. I was bound and determined to nurse. I knew the health benefits to mama and baby. I knew how important it was for Ty's immunity, growth, and development. I could go on and on, maybe that will be in another post. Now, let me add, I do not judge or think less of anyone who does not breastfeed. This was just very important to me.
I read this book while I was pregnant and have referenced it so many times since having Ty. There have been times where nursing has been tough and I have had issues. Ina May goes over the basics, problem-solving in the first weeks, the first months, and pumping info. If you are nursing or planning to nurse, I highly recommend it. It can be purchased HERE.
I know I have mentioned this book before but it truly is one of my favorites. It explains the importance of real food and why whole foods are best. It talks about food delaying and how cereal is NOT the best first food. And it stresses the importance of GOOD fats like real butter and full fat milk. I am not a completely whole food and organic eater, but I am definitely working on it. Taking baby steps. And this book is so informative on what I should give little Ty. You can purchase it HERE.
All I have to say about this book is THANK YOU! Ty has had a touch of Colic. I can tell his tummy is not hurting (when he has gas, he is not uncomfortable) He definitely has a "witching hour" though. I feel that this new world is so overwhelming to him and he is a sensitive baby. Learning and growing is hard work! His episodes are totally predictable and now we know how to handle them. I don't totally agree with some of Dr. Karp's developmental view, such as the 4th trimester, but his strategy is like non other.
This book gives ways to calm a crying baby. It stresses the 5 S's (5 steps to calm baby). Swaddling, Side/stomach position, Shushing sound, Swinging, and Sucking. These 5 steps have calmed him down within 1-2 minutes about 95% of the time he has cried uncontrollably. This is a must have if your baby seems colicky, or cries for no apparent reason. :) You can purchase it HERE.
This book explains the 10 mental developmental leaps a child takes and how to assist them in learning and growing through those leaps. During these leaps, baby may become fussy and clingy. This let me know that, this shall pass soon! Right now we are in leap 3. I love this book because it tells me things to look for during certain weeks. For instance, this leap, Ty started "holding" on to his toys, he needs to be entertained by me more (gets bored easily), blows spit bubbles, and is clingy and cries easier. I am watching for development such as smoother eye movement and head movement, which he is progressing in. It also gives fun games to play that help him through each leap. I love, love this book! It can be purchased HERE.
WEBSITES: link is the title name
Baby related:
I have mentioned this site before also. It has helped me in my nursing journey. :)
Cooking and homemaking:
This website is by a Christian mama and it is a great site to learn real food basics and has fabulous recipes.
Another site for natural living. This site is great for real food, homemaking, frugal living tips, DIY, and so much more! She also has just completed a Real food beginners series that is fabulous.
The next two sites are strictly for my reading and encouragement as a wife and mother. I feel my job is to be a wife and mother. I could go into GREAT depth here, but I may do another post on that one day as well. As a wife and mother, I need encouragement. Of course, I am encouraged daily by my Lord and Saviour and his word, but I need to hear and read from other moms like me. So the next two sites I frequent regularly.
Mommy/wife encouragement and learning
Courtney is a stay-at-home homeschooling mama who encourages through the word. She helps moms with frugal living, homemaking, marriage advice, and more. She also has a free e-book about becoming the Proverbs 21 woman...I need to read this again. :) Her good friend is www.comfyinthekitchen.com who has great doable recipes!
Darlene is a stay-at-home mama of 4 and gives so much encouragement! By God's grace, she came from being an adulteress wife, to the wife and mother that God had intended her to be. God has used her in so many ways. She has sections on homemaking, bible study, and recipes. She also has an e-book titled, "the Good Wife's Guide, Embracing Your Role as a Help Meet". (with a forward by Candace Cameron Bure) A great read! If you are a personal facebook friend of mine, you will notice I "share" a lot of Darlene's facebook pictures. :)
I hope these books and websites help you and encourage you as a wife, mommy, step-mommy, and woman!